Step 2 Foundry Update, oil slicks, vagabond, and camping
All of these things do relate, especially for those of us with a one tracked mind. Let me explain.
So, as I mentioned before, I am producing a small foundry. I have started the blower furnace image and furnace image alt but have yet to connect any juice. I had a random day the other day. I was at my companies or or warehouse and on my way back (this is the short version) ran into a tow truck driver who have a nasty looking 55 gallon drum, who said go to this and that their station and ask for Jimmy John or such, and they gave me the 30 gallon drum (very nice gas station people too) and sent me over to Billy Bob over off of this and that street where I bought (for $3) the 55 gallon drum. In the meantime I run into a friend of mine from Jr. High, and he has something like 15 Moog type 1970's organs. So, I was in a big hurry when I got home and dropped off the drums below as shown. I find out later that I had mistakenly turned the 55 gallon drum upside down! Ahhhhhh! Oil slick. I am still working on this mess. About two weeks later after cleaning as much oil out of the drum as I can, decide to put our campfire from the campout that Sister and Mr. C and I had in the backyard. I looked like a vagabond with the white smoke that rolled out of this thing! (Don't try this at home). I was very safe though. I even had a fire extinguisher (as water will not help and oil fire).

thank you for sharing gas furnace prices here. Its really helping.
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