Reply Blogging....
I have found that in replying to other blogs, that some really good discussions can come up. This is a reply to that of a blog by A Forrest read his whole blog here under
Monday, November 14, 2005 Random thoughts and activities from the weekend:
I added a few comments after the fact and some more stories.....
Forrest, get yourself a DVD. I still have a VCR as well, because I haven't changed over all of my tapes to DVD's. I have too many hunting tapes, and kids tapes to get rid of it. A DVD player is cheap and it has so many more extras. Besides, you don't have to rewind. Recently we went on a family vacation to good 'ol Branson. We took our lap top with the DVD drive in it and put it in the center of the seat between shanart and I and the kids did so much better driving. We only let them watch one movie, but they were so good for an hour and a half. Only 3 hours of whining! WOW! On the way back brother still complained about which movie we were watching, so only 3 and a half hours of whining. We had a great time in Branson. The kids loved Silver Dollar City (S and I did too).
I got away for a morning and froze my butt off in the river, just off of the trout hatchery. I will have to blog about that on my site, but it was fun. I didn't catch anything, but it was cool seeing these trout swarm around my feet and jumping upstream. It is amazing how I loose track of what we were talking about. Shanart would say it is because I have a one track mind.
Back to the fishing. I loved getting to the river early in the morning, not the getting up part, but the part where the mist is coming of the river and the fish are jumping a foot or even two out of the water with their rainbow side gleaming in the predawn light. A beautiful thing is when the dorsal fin is just below the surface of the water and it streaks across the water so quickly. All you can see is a drawing of a line in the water in the shape of the way the fish darted. It is some of the most beautiful artwork I have ever seen. Not only this, but a group of men are gathered around the mouth of the output where the stream flows into the river. All huddled around and casting short roll casts with their bright glowing indicators showing the path of the river. It will disappear out of sight as they receive a strike, and more often than not, they set the hook to late and end up just jerking the line out of the water in a spastic action. The beautiful action of the fly casting and syncopated rhythm is amazing. All done as a single fisherman...this group casts together, allowing the line to follow the path of the river and then when to the end, a quick backcast and up to the mouth of the river again, all together now. I find out later, talking to an older (and wiser) fisherman about the reason I only got a couple of strikes. I didn't have this freshwater shrimp imitation called a scud. He graciously gave me a few he had tied himself. I offered a few of my own, which he responded that he had thousands of fly's and not to worry about it. Unfortunately I was not able to try these fly's as I was late to get going with the rest of the family, so we could swim in the pool at the "Boxcar Willy" hotel.
Such a Branson name. It was a beautiful trip. I enjoyed watching the kids enjoying their time and also watching my wife enjoy the kids. What a beautiful thing a family is. This reminds me about how Sister's(NEW) preschool read a book to the kids that said, this is a family with a daddy and a mommy and kids, and some family's have a daddy and a step mommy and kids, and others are two daddy's or two mommy's and kids. I about screamed. Talk about trying to indoctrinate our kids early on that having two mommy's as your only parents is a normal thing. I try and wonder where they misunderstand that in nature it can't work that way, or there would be no offspring. Do we wonder why? I could get started on other things like this, like Evolution, and the amazing crock that is, but maybe another time. I think I have riled enough people for today. Truth be told...and not hidden in fear. d

I have found that in replying to other blogs, that some really good discussions can come up. This is a reply to that of a blog by A Forrest read his whole blog here under
Monday, November 14, 2005 Random thoughts and activities from the weekend:
I added a few comments after the fact and some more stories.....
Forrest, get yourself a DVD. I still have a VCR as well, because I haven't changed over all of my tapes to DVD's. I have too many hunting tapes, and kids tapes to get rid of it. A DVD player is cheap and it has so many more extras. Besides, you don't have to rewind. Recently we went on a family vacation to good 'ol Branson. We took our lap top with the DVD drive in it and put it in the center of the seat between shanart and I and the kids did so much better driving. We only let them watch one movie, but they were so good for an hour and a half. Only 3 hours of whining! WOW! On the way back brother still complained about which movie we were watching, so only 3 and a half hours of whining. We had a great time in Branson. The kids loved Silver Dollar City (S and I did too).

There is certainly more here than I can offer response to immediately, and I feel I have betrayed this post if I ignore the vast majority of it. :)
I am leary to just into this without you knowing that I tend to play devil's advocate, so there it is. I play devil's advocate. Just not as much as Forrest. I figure if you are a friend of Forrest's you are used to people playing devil's advocate with you.
In regard to HP (the kid and not the printer), I think it is a little more complicated than just saying it is a book about the occult. I have not read the book either, though, so my thoughts don't hold as much weight. My thinking is that if I applied the same reasoning to labelling HP as of the occult I would have to write off A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth as well due to portrayals of witches and pagan-inspired creatures.
Regarding entertainment sources attempting to influence ways of thinking, I think that is true, but it has always been true to some degree. A topic of conversation recently among the guys around coffee has been apocryphal novels like 1984, Brave New World, and 451 Degrees Fahrenheit. All of these had a very persuasive purpose. Even more benign writing or acting tends to betray the worldview of its author, though. Even The Cosby Show had a worldview that all may not agree with.
Regarding Branson, my in-laws live just north of there. Golden (my wife) loves going to Branson and longs to experience the sights and smells in Silver Dollar City every summer. Maybe we'll bump into each down there some day.
Thanks for the commentary! I thought maybe some of the topics were too heavy for blogging.
We are going to try Brandson once a year, so there is a good chance. God bless!
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