Run with Ryun Don't Parachute off of Houses

There was a run last week at The Seed as a benefit for Revolutions . Mr. B and I decided to go support this very worthy cause. Not only is it a great program, but it is also a friends brainchild, Skinny D. B did all or at least most of the graphics, including logo, website, animated logo etc. Very cool. Anyway, B and I decided that we didn't have stamina or time to do the 3.1 miles, so we went and I got my #106 and he got his #107 Race Number and all these goodies. I took pics of the prayer that Congressman Jim Ryun opened the race with, with WoodyD, friends and family in the crowd, the beginning of the race and then promptly entered the building to have some coffee and bagels (ok a few donuts too). Then we got out of there.
Did you know that Congressman Ryun, besides being the first 4 minute miler in High School went to the Seed quite a while ago?
I grew up with his twin's N and D. I loved hanging out with them. We were good friends into high school. Shanart and I went to DCCS (now Veritas) with all of their children.
Their oldest daughter HRT married a friend of mine. His name is DT. We called him Mad Dog because he was absolutely insanely fearless.
I remember one day we were at Lake Dabby and he saw a very large (I mean large) hornets nest up on the edge of the second story of the cabin. He thought it might be fun to get our large wooden john boat oar that was around 10 feet long and knock the nest down. He wanted to obliterate these things. Actually, I think he just enjoyed the challenge of swinging at these tiny flying insects madder hornet(s). As far as I know he didn't get stung, but I didn't stick around very long to find out. I think I was in the lake as fast as a bolt. We always had an exciting time with him and his brother.
Which reminds me of when his brother (also named D, who was/is as nuts as he was/is) decided that Mr. B (my bother) and he should parachute off of his roof. The only problem is that they didn't have any parachutes. No problem says little D, we can just use garbage bags as parachutes. B is looking down from the roof of the house with a garbage sack stretched between each hand as little D jumps first. He lands in the emergency room with something broken. B decides to go the way of the ladder. I could tell you about the time after little D learned about gravity that he learned about gasoline inside his garage, but that is still a hot subject.
The moral of this story is to help start a Revolution and run with the younger brother of the son-in-law of your states congressman. Any questions?
So you ate donuts instead of running in the race?
Well...not just donuts. It was a very healthy breakfast. Besides, was going to need the energy for working on the final stages of my fence. Now that is a whole other story.
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