Healing: "Heart Injection - Faith, Hope & Love"
I finished an art piece recently again dealing with the subject of my son Caden's fight with neuroblastoma cancer. I posted a few images here, but you can see more either at http://www.darinwhite.com/ or http://darinwhite.wordpress.com/ which is the blog I keep a little more updated. Here is an introduction to the work.
Title: Healing: “ Heart Injection - Faith, Hope & Love”
Media: Hand Carved Cedar Wood, Wood Burned, Cast Lead & Pin Inclusion (Which is known to cause cancer in the state of Kansas) Size: 12”L x 2 ½”W x 6 ¼”D
Series from Fall 2007- Present – HEALING:
My son Caden White age four was diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer
(a nervous system cancer in children with around 600 diagnoses per year) June 28th, 2007. He has been through six of the seven, three to four day chemo rounds, had a stem cell harvest, and had invasive surgery to remove the tumor. In addition to this the doctors would like him to have a bone marrow transplant and eventually have radiation treatments, additional treatments, and then possibly antibody therapy. He is currently showing no evidence of disease. I had never had to deal with any healing issues, but this stirred within me a desire to release these thoughts and feelings that I have surrounding Caden’s health issues. I feel like working through these ideas in my art has been very helpful to try and focus on the positive things rather on the negative. I don’t want to downplaying the pain or gloss over heartache, but rather show it in the burning cleansing trial by fire which brings impurities to the surface, so that they can be removed, the poison and pain of medical treatments, all of which is overcome with seared wings of faith, sincere hope, truth, beauty and above all love. I feel called as an artist to address ideas and truths through my artwork that calls from deep within me to deep within the viewer.
I finished an art piece recently again dealing with the subject of my son Caden's fight with neuroblastoma cancer. I posted a few images here, but you can see more either at http://www.darinwhite.com/ or http://darinwhite.wordpress.com/ which is the blog I keep a little more updated. Here is an introduction to the work.
Title: Healing: “ Heart Injection - Faith, Hope & Love”
Media: Hand Carved Cedar Wood, Wood Burned, Cast Lead & Pin Inclusion (Which is known to cause cancer in the state of Kansas) Size: 12”L x 2 ½”W x 6 ¼”D
Series from Fall 2007- Present – HEALING:
My son Caden White age four was diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer
(a nervous system cancer in children with around 600 diagnoses per year) June 28th, 2007. He has been through six of the seven, three to four day chemo rounds, had a stem cell harvest, and had invasive surgery to remove the tumor. In addition to this the doctors would like him to have a bone marrow transplant and eventually have radiation treatments, additional treatments, and then possibly antibody therapy. He is currently showing no evidence of disease. I had never had to deal with any healing issues, but this stirred within me a desire to release these thoughts and feelings that I have surrounding Caden’s health issues. I feel like working through these ideas in my art has been very helpful to try and focus on the positive things rather on the negative. I don’t want to downplaying the pain or gloss over heartache, but rather show it in the burning cleansing trial by fire which brings impurities to the surface, so that they can be removed, the poison and pain of medical treatments, all of which is overcome with seared wings of faith, sincere hope, truth, beauty and above all love. I feel called as an artist to address ideas and truths through my artwork that calls from deep within me to deep within the viewer.
Labels: Art, Art and Healing, Caden White, Cancer, Carving, Casting, Faith, Healing, Hope, Love, Metal Casting, Neuroblastoma, Pain, Sculpture, Series, Wood Carving, Woodworking